Reflections on a great week.

“That was a great week!” is what I’m reflecting on today, after a great few days of networking within the design sector and my community, which has included sharing and listening to some really great advice on what we share on social media.

Thank you to Lucy at Indigo Illusions who has suggested starting a work diary, which I thought I would share with you all! It’s a great idea to have the opportunity to reflect personally on your highs and lows after a busy week - so important when you’re a freelancer and you’re without that network of a traditional office. 

So, my week -

I’ve been able to work on some exceptionally fun web design projects, which is a personal favourite for me to work on. I love getting to play with Adobe XD; testing my designs and interactions on different devices. Nerdy I know!

But a great week can also exist along with some lows. A headache here, a headache there, to help you appreciate the good times. The good thing is, I don’t have to wait long for something else to happen that’s really awesome and lift up a bad day. This week, it was receiving the final physical packaging design I put together for a very cool product (who doesn’t love fun post?!) I’m itching to show it off. But I am under strict instruction not to - for now…

And finally, I think the best part of the week was helping a friend with their own design project when they hit that proverbial brick wall. As creatives who work independently from home, it’s easy to get stuck in our own heads which can make design block achingly difficult. However, when you pick up the phone/zoom call/FaceTime to talk it through with someone else and get that different point of view, magic happens! I was thrilled this week to help my friend break down the brick wall and create something awesome that he is rightly proud of! 

Those are just some of the highlights of my week. I’ve loved reflecting and writing this to take stock of what the last five days have held for me. I’ll definitely be doing this more often and taking the time to reflect more. Looking back, what have your personal highlights been this week? 

Now it’s time for me to sign off the week with an ice-cold beer and some homemade pizza. Have a great weekend everyone! 


5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs A Website