Chloe Mann Chloe Mann

Free 1:1 Virtual Workshops

Are you struggling with your digital marketing strategy and wondering if you need a design agency to help you take it to the next level? We understand that working with a design agency can be daunting, leaving you with questions like "What's the cost?" or "Do I even need a design agency?" But fear not, as we are here to help you kickstart your marketing strategy with a free 30-minute virtual workshop that's perfect for a social media spring clean.

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Chloe Mann Chloe Mann

What is SEO?

You may have heard of SEO before, but it sometimes feels like web jargon that’s easier to ignore. But, ignore it at your peril - SEO is key to guiding people to your website.

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Chloe Mann Chloe Mann

5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs A Website

If your business has gotten this far without one, you might be wondering: “do I really need a website?” Maybe you’re reluctant to get started with a website because “I’m not tech savvy”, “it’s too expensive” or “I don’t have the time”. The fact is that a website is a highly effective marketing tool and here are our top five reasons why you should seriously consider one for your business.

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Mathew Finch Mathew Finch

Reflections on a great week.

“That was a great week!” is what I’m reflecting on today, after a great few days of networking within the design sector and my community, which has included sharing and listening to some really great advice on what we share on social media.

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